In some cases it may be necessary or simply interesting to find out which version of the VMware Orchestrator is being used during the runtime of a JavaScript action. Here an approach to detect the current Orchestator version.

 * @module de.stschnell
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @outputType String

function getOrchestratorVersion() {

 * Detects the VMware Aria Orchestration version.
 * Parts of the code are from Mischa Buijs from
 * @author Stefan Schnell <>
 * @license MIT
 * @version 0.1.0
 * Checked with VMware Aria Automation 8.12.0 and 8.14.0.

 * https://[yourFqdn]/vco/api/about delivers the following XML:
 * <ns2:about-info>
 *   <ns2:build-number>22610007</ns2:build-number>
 *   <ns2:build-date>2023-10-14T16:17:05Z</ns2:build-date>
 *   <ns2:version></ns2:version>
 *   <ns2:api-version>8.x</ns2:api-version>
 *   <ns2:time-zone>
 *     <ID>GMT</ID>
 *     <rawOffset>0</rawOffset>
 *   </ns2:time-zone>
 *   <ns2:features/>
 *   <ns2:id>302e3139-3630-3532-3337-343132333136</ns2:id>
 * </ns2:about-info>

 * The JVM options of the Orchestration are specified in the JVM_OPTS
 * environment variable.
// var command = new Command("printenv JVM_OPTS");
// command.execute(true);
// var jvmOpts = command.output;
var jvmOpts = java.lang.System.getenv("JVM_OPTS");
if (jvmOpts !== null) {

  var fqdn = "";
  var options = jvmOpts.split(" ");
  options.forEach( function(option) {
    // -D sets an environment variable.
    if (option.substring(0, 19) === "") {
      fqdn = option.substring(19, option.length);
  if (fqdn !== "") {

    url = "http://" + fqdn + "/vco/api/about";
    try {
      var urlObject = new URL(url);
      var result = urlObject.getContent() ;
    } catch (exception) {
      url = "https://" + fqdn + "/vco/api/about";
      try {
        var urlObject = new URL(url);
        var result = urlObject.getContent() ;
      } catch (exception) {
        throw "Could not find Aria Automation Orchestrator (" +
          exception.message + ")";

    try {

      var jsonObject = JSON.parse(result);
      var aboutVersion = jsonObject.version;
      var aboutBuildNumber = jsonObject["build-number"];
      var aboutBuildDate = jsonObject["build-date"];
      var aboutApiVersion = jsonObject["api-version"];

      System.log("Version: " + aboutVersion);
      System.log("Build number: " + aboutBuildNumber);
      System.log("Build date: " + aboutBuildDate);
      System.log("API Version: " + aboutApiVersion);

      return aboutVersion;

    } catch (exception) {
      throw "Error at JSON object (" + exception.message + ")";




vmware aria orchestrator version detection

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