VCF Automation Blog

from Stefan Schnell

Testing software is important, because programming errors can be very expensive and dangerous. A unit test is a kind of software testing. It checks the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated. In JavaScript it is a function, method or attribute, and in VCF Automation it can also be an action. Unit tests helps to ensure that the software meets the requirements and the possibility of errors and bugs occurring are minimized.

When developing in the VCF Automation web GUI, the possibility of using a test framework is not really easy. The common JavaScript test frameworks are very fixated on browser environments and usually require Node.js for their execution. This makes an integration into this kind of development scenario difficult, because the specific requirements and conditions can hardly be considered. Therefore it can be seen as a valid approach to build an own unit test library, which fits seamlessly into this scenario.

VCF Automation Assert Library

This VCF Automation assert library, called Aromatical, offers exactly this possibility. It is an integral part of unit testing and provides test methods, such as isNumber or isString, assert methods, such as deepEqual or notMatch, structuring and description methods, such as describe or testTodo, and classification properties, for the test to specify the duration and risk level. E.g. with the command var assert = System.getModule("yourModule").assert(); these methods can be called easily.

Here is a small example that shows the use of the structuring and documentation methods describe, test and testEach, as well as the assert method strictEqual and the test method isBoolean.

var bool = true;

assert.describe("Result must be true when", function() {

  assert.test("Boolen is set to true", function() {
    assert.strictEqual(assert.isBoolean(bool), true);

  assert.test("Boolen is set to false", function() {
    assert.strictEqual(assert.isBoolean(false), true);

  assert.testEach( [ [true], [false] ], "A Boolen value is set",
    function(value) {
      assert.strictEqual(assert.isBoolean(value), true);


This assert library has been successfully tested with VCF Automation versions 8.5.1, 8.12.2, 8.14.0 and 8.16.0. Furthermore, it has been successfully verified with different operating systems, versions of Java and JavaScript Rhino engines.

You can download the source from my GitHub account.



The assert action has the properties runtimeCategory and riskLevel to classify the unit test. This classification helps to understand fast what kind of test it is, what effects it can have and what the approximate duration is.

The runtimeCategory property can have the following values: The riskLevel property can have the following values:


The following methods can be used to structure the unit tests. These elements help to understand the structure of the test with additional levels.

The assert action has the structuring methods


The following methods can be used to describe the unit tests. These elements help to understand the content of the test with additional information.

The assert action has the describing methods


The assert action has check methods with which the data type of the transferred value is checked.


The assert action also has comparison methods that are used to compare an actual value with an expected value.
 *                                           _                    _
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 *    /  \    _ __   ___   _ __ ___    __ _ | |_  _   ___   __ _ | |
 *   / /\ \  | '__| /   \ | '_ ` _ \  /  ` || __|| | / __| /  ` || |
 *  / ____ \ | |   (  O  )| | | | | |(  O  || |_ | |( (__ (  O  || |_
 * /_/    \_\|_|    \___/ |_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__||_| \___| \__,_| \__|
 * Aria Automation Assert Library
 * @author Stefan Schnell <>
 * @license MIT
 * @version 0.7.0
 * Checked with ...
 * - Aria Automation 8.5.1, 8.12.2, 8.14.0 and 8.16.2.
 * Checked standalone with ...
 * - Windows 10, Windows 11 and RHEL 9.2.
 * - Rhino 1.7R4, 1.7.14 and 1.7.15.
 * - Bellsoft JDK 11.0.23, Bellsoft JDK 17.0.11, Oracle OpenJDK 20.0.2,
 *   Bellsoft JDK 21.0.1 and Bellsoft JDK 22.0.1.

var _assertNS = {

  // Check methods

   * Determines whether the passed value is an array.
   * @function isArray
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
   * System.log(assert.isArray(array));
  isArray : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isArray");
    return Array.isArray(value);

   * Determines whether the passed value is a boolean.
   * @function isBoolean
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * System.log(assert.isBoolean(false));;
  isBoolean : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isBoolean");
    return typeof value === "boolean";

   * Determines whether the passed value is a (valid) date.
   * @function isDate
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var date = new Date();
   * System.log(assert.isDate(date));
  isDate : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isDate");
    return this.isObject(value) && 
      value instanceof Date &&

   * Determines whether the passed value is an error.
   * @function isError
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var err = new Error();
   * System.log(assert.isError(err));
  isError : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isError");
    return this.isObject(value) && value instanceof Error;

   * Determines whether the passed value is a function.
   * @function isFunction
   * @param {any} value -Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var func = function() { return "Hello World"; };
   * System.log(assert.isFunction(func));
  isFunction : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isFunction");
    return typeof value === 'function';

   * Determines whether the passed value is an instance of the given
   * constructor.
   * @function isInstanceOf
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @param {object} constructor - Constructor checked against
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * function C() {};
   * var o = new C();
   * System.log(assert.isInstanceOf(o, C));
  isInstanceOf : function(value, constructor) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at isInstanceOf");
    try {
      if (value instanceof constructor) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    } catch (exception) {
      return false;

   * Determines whether the passed value is null.
   * @function isNull
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var notNul = 0;
   * System.log(assert.isNull(notNul));
  isNull : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isNull");
    return value === null;

   * Determines whether the passed value is a null or undefined.
   * @function isNullOrUndefined
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * System.log(assert.isNullOrUndefined(null));
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var undef;
   * System.log(assert.isNullOrUndefined(undef));
  isNullOrUndefined : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isNullOrUndefined");
    return this.isNull(value) || this.isUndefined(value);

   * Determines whether the passed value is a number.
   * @function isNumber
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var number = 42;
   * System.log(assert.isNumber(number));
  isNumber : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isNumber");
    return typeof value === "number";

   * Determines whether the passed value is an object.
   * @function isObject
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var obj = {};
   * System.log(assert.isObject(obj));
  isObject : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isObject");
    return typeof value === "object" && value !== null;

   * Determines whether the passed value is a plain object.
   * Hint: An Object created by literal notation or new Object are known
   * as plain object (POJO). The opposite is an object created via a
   * constructor function.
   * @function isPlainObject
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var plainObject = {a:1,b:2,c:3};
   * System.log(assert.isPlainObject(plainObject));
  isPlainObject : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isPlainObject");
    return value.constructor === Object;

   * Determines whether the passed value is a regular expression.
   * @function isRegExp
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var regexp = new RegExp();
   * System.log(assert.isRegExp(regexp));
  isRegExp : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isRegExp");
    if (value.constructor) {
      return === "RegExp";
    } else {
      return false;

   * Determines whether the passed value is a string.
   * @function isString
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var str = "Test";
   * System.log(assert.isString(str));
  isString : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isString");
    return typeof value === "string";

   * Determines whether the passed value is a type of the given type.
   * @function isTypeOf
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @param {string} type - Type checked against
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var typeOfNumber = 42;
   * System.log(assert.isTypeOf(typeOfNumber, "number"));
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * System.log(assert.isTypeOf(void 0, "undefined"));
  isTypeOf : function(value, type) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at isTypeOf");
    return typeof value === type;

   * Determines whether the passed value is undefined.
   * @function isUndefined
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var undef;
   * System.log(assert.isUndefined(undef));
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * System.log(assert.isUndefined(void 0));
  isUndefined : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isUndefined");
    return value === undefined;

   * Determines whether the passed value is undefined or null.
   * Hint: Equivalent to isNullOrUndefined.
   * @function isUndefinedOrNull
   * @param {any} value - Value to be checked
   * @returns {boolean}
  isUndefinedOrNull : function(value) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at isUndefinedOrNull");
    return this.isUndefined(value) || this.isNull(value);

  // Assert methods

   * Tests for deep equality between the actual and expected
   * parameters.
   * @function deepEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers deepEqual({"a":{"b":1}} == {"a":{"b":1}})
   * var obj1 = { a: { b: 1, }, };
   * assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj1);
  deepEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at deepEqual");
    if (!this._isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("deepEqual(" + JSON.stringify(actual) + " == " +
          JSON.stringify(expected) +
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("deepEqual(" + JSON.stringify(actual) + " == " +
        JSON.stringify(expected) + ")");

   * Wrapper for notMatch method.
   * @function doesNotMatch
   * @param {(string|number)} actual - The actual value
   * @param {RegExp} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
  doesNotMatch : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at doesNotMatch");
    this.notMatch(actual, expected, message);

   * Tests equality between the actual and expected parameters with
   * the == operator.
   * @function equal
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass equal(1 == 1)
   * assert.equal(1, 1);
  equal : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at equal");
    if (actual != expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("equal(" + String(actual) + " == " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("equal(" + String(actual) + " == " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Throws an error with the provided error message or a default
   * error message.
   * @function fail
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionFail
   * try {
   * } catch(exception) { }
  fail : function(message) {
    if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
      throw new Error("AssertionFail");
    } else {
      throw new Error("AssertionFail: " + message);

   * Tests whether the actual parameter is greater than the expected
   * parameter.
   * @function greaterThan
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass greaterThan(2 > 1)
   * assert.greaterThan(2, 1);
  greaterThan : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at match");
    if (actual <= expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("greaterThan(" + String(actual) + " > " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("greaterThan(" + String(actual) + " > " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Tests whether the actual parameter is greater or equal than the
   * expected parameter.
   * @function greaterThanOrEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass greaterThanOrEqual(42 >= 42)
   * assert.greaterThanOrEqual(42, 42);
  greaterThanOrEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at match");
    if (actual < expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("greaterThanOrEqual(" + String(actual) +
          " >= " + String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("greaterThanOrEqual(" + String(actual) +
        " >= " + String(expected) + ")");

   * Tests whether the actual parameter is less than the expected
   * parameter.
   * @function lessThan
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass lessThan(3 < 4)
   * assert.lessThan(3, 4);
  lessThan : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at match");
    if (actual >= expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("lessThan(" + String(actual) + " < " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("lessThan(" + String(actual) + " < " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Tests whether the actual parameter is less or equal than the
   * expected parameter.
   * @function equal
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass lessThanOrEqual(A <= B)
   * assert.lessThanOrEqual("A", "B");
  lessThanOrEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at match");
    if (actual > expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("lessThanOrEqual(" + String(actual) + " <= " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("lessThanOrEqual(" + String(actual) + " <= " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Expects that actual match the regular expression.
   * @function match
   * @param {(string|number)} actual - The actual value
   * @param {RegExp} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass The input 'I will pass' match the regular
   * // expression /pass/
   * assert.match("I will pass", /pass/);
  match : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at match");
    if (!this.isRegExp(expected)) {
      throw new Error("expected argument must be RegExp");
    if (!expected.test(actual)) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("The input '" + String(actual) +
          "' did not match the regular expression " + String(expected));
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("The input '" + actual +
        "' match the regular expression " + String(expected));

   * Tests for any deep inequality between the actual and expected
   * parameters.
   * @function notDeepEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionFail notDeepEqual({"a":{"b":1}} != {"a":{"b":1}})
   * var obj1 = { a: { b: 1, }, };
   * assert.notDeepEqual(obj1, obj1);
  notDeepEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at notDeepEqual");
    if (this._isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("notDeepEqual(" + JSON.stringify(actual) +
          " != " + JSON.stringify(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("notDeepEqual(" + JSON.stringify(actual) + " != " +
        JSON.stringify(expected) + ")");

   * Tests inequality between the actual and expected parameters with
   * the != operator.
   * @function notEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass notEqual(1 != 2)
   * assert.notEqual(1, 2);
  notEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at notEqual");
    if (actual == expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("notEqual(" + String(actual) + " != " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("notEqual(" + String(actual) + " != " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Expects that actual not match the regular expression.
   * @function notMatch
   * @param {(string|number)} actual - The actual value
   * @param {RegExp} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass The input 'I will pass' did not match the
   * // regular expression /different/
   * assert.notMatch("I will pass", /different/);
  notMatch : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at notMatch");
    if (!this.isRegExp(expected)) {
      throw new Error("expected argument must be RegExp");
    if (expected.test(actual)) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("The input '" + String(actual) +
          "' did match the regular expression " + String(expected));
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("The input '" + String(actual) +
        "' did not match the regular expression " +

   * Tests if value is falsy.<br>
   * Hint: All values are truthy except false, 0, -0, 0n (bigint is not
   * supported by Rhino), "", null, undefined and NaN.
   * @function notOk
   * @param {any} value - The value to be tested
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass ok(false)
   * assert.notOk(false);
  notOk : function(value, message) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at notOk");
    if (value) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("notOk(" + String(value) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("notOk(" + String(value) + ")");

   * Tests strict inequality between the actual and expected
   * parameters with the !== operator.
   * @function notStrictEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass notStrictEqual(1 !== 2)
   * assert.notStrictEqual(1, 2);
  notStrictEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at notStrictEqual");
    if (actual === expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("notStrictEqual(" + String(actual) + " !== " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("notStrictEqual(" + String(actual) + " !== " +
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Tests if value is truthy.<br>
   * Hint: All values are truthy except false, 0, -0, 0n, "", null,
   * undefined and NaN.
   * @function ok
   * @param {any} value - The value to be tested
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass ok(true)
   * assert.ok(true);
  ok : function(value, message) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at ok");
    if (!value) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("ok(" + String(value) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("ok(" + String(value) + ")");

   * Tests strict equality between the actual and expected parameters
   * with the === operator.
   * @function strictEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass strictEqual(Hello World === Hello World)
   * assert.strictEqual("Hello World", "Hello World");
  strictEqual : function(actual, expected, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at strictEqual");
    if (actual !== expected) {
      if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
        this._failOut("strictEqual(" + String(actual) + " === " +
          String(expected) + ")");
      } else {
    } else {
      this._passOut("strictEqual(" + String(actual) + " === " + 
        String(expected) + ")");

   * Expects the function fn to throw the error expectedError.
   * @function throws
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @param {string | RegExp | Error} expectedError - The expected error
   * @param {string} message - If provided, this error message is set
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers AssertionPass throws get the expected error
   * // TypeError(Wrong value)
   * var err = new TypeError("Wrong value");
   * assert.throws( function () { throw err; }, "Wrong value" );
   * Hint: An Action is not a function!
   * It is not possible to set an action as fn parameter, e.g. via
   * System.getModule("youModule").actionName().
  throws : function(fn, expectedError, message) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at throws");
    var thrown = false;
    if (this.isFunction(fn)) {
      var thrownError;
      try {
      } catch (err) {
        thrown = true;
        thrownError = err;
      if (thrown && expectedError) {
        thrown = this._errorMatches(thrownError, expectedError);
      if (!thrown) {
        if (this.isUndefined(message)) {
          if (!(this.isUndefined(thrownError))) {
            this._failOut("throws get the unexpected error " +
     + "(" + thrownError.message + ")");
          } else {
            this._failOut("throws get no error");
        } else {
      } else {
        this._passOut("throws get the expected error " +
 + "(" + thrownError.message + ")");
    return thrown;

  // Test grouping methods

   * Creates a block that groups several related tests.
   * @function describe
   * @param {string} name - Name of the describe block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.describe("Test", function() {
   *   // Your tests here
   * });
  describe : function(name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at describe");
    if (this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("{ " + String(name));
      try {
      } catch (exception) {
      System.log("} //" + String(name));

   * Creates a block that groups several related tests which run the
   * tests with different data.
   * @function describeEach
   * @param {Array.<Array>} table - Arguments that are passed to the function
   * @param {string} name - Name of the describe block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.describeEach(
   *   [
   *     [1, "A", 3.1, true],
   *     [3, "B", 1.3, false]
   *   ],
   *   "Test",
   *   function(a, b, c, d) {
   *     // Your tests here
   *   }
   * );
  describeEach : function(table, name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at describeEach");
    if (this.isArray(table) && this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("{ " + String(name));
      try {
        table.forEach( function(row) {
          fn.apply(null, row);
      } catch (exception) {
      System.log("} //" + String(name));

   * Skips a block that groups several related tests which run the
   * tests with different data.
   * @function describeEachSkip
   * @param {Array.<Array>} table - Arguments that are passed to the function
   * @param {string} name - Name of the describe block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.describeEachSkip(
   *   [
   *     [1, "A", 3.1, true],
   *     [3, "B", 1.3, false]
   *   ],
   *   "Test",
   *   function(a, b, c, d) {
   *     // Your tests here
   *   }
   * );
  describeEachSkip : function(table, name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at describeEachSkip");
    if (this.isArray(table) && this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("Skipped: " + String(name));

   * Skips a block that groups several related tests.
   * @function describeSkip
   * @param {string} name - Name of the describe block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.describeSkip("Test", function() {
   *   // Your tests here
   * });
  describeSkip : function(name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at describeSkip");
    if (this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("Skipped: " + String(name));

   * Creates a test block.
   * @function test
   * @param {string} name - Name of the test block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.test("Test", function() {
   *   // Your test here
   * });
  test : function(name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at test");
    if (this.isFunction(fn)) {
      try {
      } catch (exception) {

   * Creates a test block which run the tests with different data.
   * @function testEach
   * @param {Array.<Array>} table - Arguments that are passed to the function
   * @param {string} name - Name of the test block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.testEach([[1, "Stefan", 3.14]], "Test", function(a, b, c) {
   *   // Your test here
   * });
  testEach : function(table, name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at testEach");
    if (this.isArray(table) && this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("{ " + String(name));
      try {
        table.forEach( function(row) {
          fn.apply(null, row);
      } catch (exception) {
      System.log("} //" + String(name));

   * Skips a test block which run the tests with different data.
   * @function testEachSkip
   * @param {Array.<Array>} table - Arguments that are passed to the function
   * @param {string} name - Name of the test block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.testEachSkip([[1, "Stefan", 3.14]], "Test", function(a, b, c) {
   *   // Your test here
   * });
  testEachSkip : function(table, name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at testEach");
    if (this.isArray(table) && this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("Skipped: " + String(name));

   * Skips a test block.
   * @function testSkip
   * @param {string} name - Name of the test block
   * @param {Function} fn
   * @example
   * assert.testSkip("Test", function() {
   *   // Your test here
   * });
  testSkip : function(name, fn) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at testSkip");
    if (this.isFunction(fn)) {
      System.log("Skipped: " + String(name));

   * Outputs to know how many tests or other things are still need todo.
   * @function testTodo
   * @param {string} todo - Description what is still to be done
   * @example
   * assert.testTodo("A test has to be implemented here.");
  testTodo : function(todo) {
    if (arguments.length < 1) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at testTodo");
    System.log("Todo: " + String(todo));

   * Returns the class name.<br>
   * Hint: This method is a standard.
   * @function getClassName
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * var assert = assert();
   * var result = assert.getClassName();
   * System.log(result);
  getClassName : function() {
    return "Assert";

  // Private utility methods

   * Tests that actual error match the expected.
   * @function _errorMatches
   * @param {Error} actual - The actual error
   * @param {string | RegExp | Error} expected - The expected error
   * @returns {boolean}
  _errorMatches : function(actual, expected) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at _errorMatches");
    if (this.isError(actual)) {
      // Checks the equality of the error message
      if (this.isString(expected)) {
        return actual.message === expected;
      // Checks if the error message matches the regular expression
      if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
        return expected.test(actual.message);
      if (this.isError(expected)) {
        // Checks the equality of the errors
        if (actual === expected) {
          return true;
    return false;

   * Getting all keys of the object.
   * @function _getObjectKeys
   * @param {object} object - Object from which the keys are to be determined
   * @returns {Array}
  _getObjectKeys : function(object) {
    if (arguments.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Argument missing at _getObjectKeys");
    var keys = [];
    for (var key in object) {
      if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    return keys;

   * Tests the deep equality between the actual and expected
   * parameters.
   * @function _isDeepEqual
   * @param {any} actual - The actual value
   * @param {any} expected - The expected value
   * @returns {boolean}
  _isDeepEqual : function(actual, expected) {

    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at _isDeepEqual");

    if (actual === expected) {
      return true;

    if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {
      return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();

    if (actual instanceof RegExp && expected instanceof RegExp) {
      return (
        actual.source === expected.source && === &&
        actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&
        actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&
        actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase

    if (typeof actual !== 'object' && typeof expected !== 'object') {
      return actual == expected;

    return this._objectsEqual(actual, expected);


   * Tests the deep equality between the object1 and object2
   * parameters.
   * @function _objectsEqual
   * @param {object} object1 - First object to compare
   * @param {object} object2 - Second object to compare
   * @returns {boolean}
  _objectsEqual : function(object1, object2) {

    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Arguments missing at _objectsEqual");

    if (this.isNullOrUndefined(object1) || this.isNullOrUndefined(object2)) {
      return false;

    // Object prototypes must be the same
    if (object1.prototype !== object2.prototype) {
      return false;

    // Check number of own properties
    var object1Keys = this._getObjectKeys(object1);
    var object2Keys = this._getObjectKeys(object2);
    if (object1Keys.length !== object2Keys.length) {
      return false;


    for (var i = 0; i < object1Keys.length; i++) {
      if (object1Keys[i] != object2Keys[i]) {
        return false;

    for (var j = 0; j < object1Keys.length; j++) {
      var key = object1Keys[j];
      if (!this._isDeepEqual(object1[key], object2[key])) {
        return false;

    return true;


   * Logs an assertion pass text.
   * @function _passOut
   * @param {string} text
  _passOut : function(text) {
    if (this.isUndefined(text)) {
    } else {
      System.log("Pass: " + text);

   * Logs an assertion fail text.
   * @function _failOut
   * @param {string} text
  _failOut : function(text) {
    if (this.isUndefined(text)) {
    } else {
      System.error("Fail: " + text);

  // Classification properties

   * Runtime category to define the possible duration of the unit test.<br>
   * Duration Short: <= 1 minute
   * @name runtimeCategoryShort
   * @type {string}
  _runtimeCategoryShort : "Duration Short",

  getRuntimeCategoryShort : function() {
    return this._runtimeCategoryShort;

   * Runtime category to define the possible duration of the unit test.<br>
   * Duration Medium: > 1 and <= 10 minutes
   * @name runtimeCategoryMedium
   * @type {string}
  _runtimeCategoryMedium : "Duration Medium",

  getRuntimeCategoryMedium : function() {
    return this._runtimeCategoryMedium;

   * Runtime category to define the possible duration of the unit test.<br>
   * Duration Long: > 10 and <= 60 minutes
   * @name runtimeCategoryLong
   * @type {string}
  _runtimeCategoryLong : "Duration Long",

  getRuntimeCategoryLong : function() {
    return this._runtimeCategoryLong;

   * Risk level to define the impact of the unit test on data security
   * of the system.<br>
   * Critical: Changes system settings or customizing
   * @name riskLevelCritical
   * @type {string}
  _riskLevelCritical : "Risk level critical",

  getRiskLevelCritical : function() {
    return this._riskLevelCritical;

   * Risk level to define the impact of the unit test on data security
   * of the system.<br>
   * Dangerous: Changes persistent application data
   * @name riskLevelDangerous
   * @type {string}
  _riskLevelDangerous : "Risk level dangerous",

  getRiskLevelDangerous : function() {
    return this._riskLevelDangerous;

   * Risk level to define the impact of the unit test on data security
   * of the system.<br>
   * Harmless: No influence on system settings or application data
   * @name riskLevelHarmless
   * @type {string}
  _riskLevelHarmless : "Risk level harmless",

  getRiskLevelHarmless : function() {
    return this._riskLevelHarmless;

   * Standard classification of the runtimeCategory<br>
   * runtimeCategoryShort
   * @name runtimeCategory
   * @type {string}
  _runtimeCategory : "Duration Short",

  getRuntimeCategory : function() {
    return this._runtimeCategory;

  setRuntimeCategory : function(runtimeCategory) {
    this._runtimeCategory = runtimeCategory;

   * Standard classification of the riskLevel<br>
   * riskLevelHarmless
   * @name riskLevel
   * @type {string}
  _riskLevel : "Risk level harmless",

  getRiskLevel : function() {
    return this._riskLevel;

  setRiskLevel : function(riskLevel) {
    this._riskLevel = riskLevel;


return _assertNS;