* Reads the content of an action as text.
* Checked with Aria Automation 8.12.0, 8.13.1, 8.14.1, 8.17.0
* and 8.18.1
* @param {string} in_moduleName - Module which contains the action
* @param {string} in_actionName - Action which contains the text
* @returns {string} actionAsText
* @author Stefan Schnell <mail@stefan-schnell.de>
* @license MIT
* @version 0.4.0
* @example
* var in_moduleName = "com.vmware.basic";
* var in_actionName = "createDirectory";
var _getActionAsText = {
main : function(moduleName, actionName) {
var allActions =
var allActionsInModule = allActions.filter( function(actionItems) {
return actionItems.module.name === moduleName;
if (allActionsInModule.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No actions were found in the module " +
moduleName + ".");
var action = allActionsInModule.filter( function(actionItem) {
return actionItem.name === actionName;
if (action.length === 0) {
throw new Error("The action " + actionName +
" was not found in the module " + moduleName + ".");
} else if (action.length > 1) {
System.warn("Too many actions, with the name " + actionName +
", were found in the module " + moduleName + ".");
action.forEach( function(actionItem) {
System.warn("ID: " + actionItem.id);
throw new Error("Too many actions, with the name " + actionName +
", were found in the module " + moduleName + ".");
return action[0].script;
if (
String(in_moduleName).trim() !== "" &&
String(in_actionName).trim() !== ""
) {
return _getActionAsText.main(
} else {
throw new Error(
"in_moduleName or in_actionName argument can not be null"