VCF Automation Blog

from Stefan Schnell

VCF Automation offers a system class, which contains a set of basic functions to offer standard processing methods for the most fundamental requirements in the context of its JavaScript runtime environment. To use these methods outside of VCF Automation, a library is available here to emulate the system class. This gives us the possibility to code and test Actions a bit more independently, without the direct use of an Orchestration environment.

Mock-up of System Class

This mock-up of the system class, called Muscle, bases on the same JavaScript engine used in VCF Automation, the Mozilla Rhino engine. To use this system class it is also necessary to use the Rhino engine, because some of their methods access Java classes directly. This ensures us a consistent basis for simulation and operation.

To use this library in your code it is necessary to add  load("system.class.js");  at the beginning of the program. After that, all functions can be used seamlessly. Here a tiny example:

System.log("Hello World");
System.debug("Hello World");
System.warn("Hello World");
System.error("Hello World");

System.log("UUID: " + System.nextUUID());
console window with output from system class methods
This emulation provides 67 methods, 15 of them delivers mock-up results and 11 are additional, which are not available in the standard. Here a list of the additional methods:

Name Description
alert Displays a dialog with an optional message and waits until the user dismisses the dialog.
base64ToString Decodes a base64 encoded string.
clone Clones an object.
getRhinoVersion Returns the implementation version of the Rhino engine.
input Displays a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.
isLinux Checks if operating system is Linux.
isMac Checks if operating system is Mac OS.
isWindows Checks if operating system is Windows.
setContext Sets the context.
stringToBase64 Encodes string to base64.
waitEnter Waits for keypress enter.
Furthermore exemplary is shown how mock-ups of other classes can be integrated and used.

You can download the source from my GitHub account.

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 * Mock-up of the System class from VCF Automation.
 * This is a general set of functions and it is always available in the
 * JavaScript scripting environment.
 * @author Stefan Schnell <>
 * @license MIT
 * @version 0.3.2
 * Hint: This mock-up works only with the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript
 * engine.
 * Checked with Rhino engines version 1.7R4, 1.7.14 and 1.7.15

 * URL class,
 * mock-up of VCF Automation URL class, only attributes.
function URL() {
  // this.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
  this.contentType = "text/plain";
  this.datas = null; = "localhost";
  this.port = 443;
  this.requestType = "GET";
  this.result = "This is a mock-up of URL";
  this.url = "https://localhost/";

 * Workflow class,
 * mock-up of VCF Automation Workflow class, only attributes.
function Workflow() {
  this.attributes = {};
  this.description = "This is a mock-up";
  this.executions = {};
  this.firstItem = {}; = "";
  this.inParameters = {};
  this.items = {};
  this.logEvents = {}; = "Mock-up of Workflow class";
  this.numberOfItems = 0;
  this.outParameters = {};
  this.parameterInfos = {};
  this.version = "";
  this.versionHistoryItems = {};
  this.workflowCategory = {};

 * WorkflowItemInfo class,
 * mock-up of VCF Automation WorkflowItemInfo class.
function WorkflowItemInfo(name, displayName) {
  this._displayName = displayName;
  this._name = name;
  this.getDisplayName = function() {
    return this._displayName;
  this.getName = function() {
    return this._name;

// System class

var _context = new org.mozilla.javascript.Context();
var _logMarker = null;

var _SystemNS = function() {


_SystemNS.prototype = {

   * Private method to log text for debug, error, log and warn methods.
   * @function _println
   * @param {string} prefix - Log level.
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
  _println : function(prefix, text) {
    var outText = null;
    if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
      outText = "";
    } else {
      var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
      if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
        // trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
        outText = String(text).trimRight();
      } else {
        outText = String(text).replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");
    if (_logMarker) {
        prefix + " {{" + _logMarker + "}} " + outText
    } else {
        prefix + " " + outText

   * Displays a dialog with an optional message and waits until the
   * user dismisses the dialog.
   * @function alert
   * @param {string} message - A string to display in the alert dialog
   * @example
   * System.alert("Hello World");
  alert : function(message) {
    if (
      typeof message === "undefined" ||
      message === null ||
      String(message).trim() === ""
    ) {
    } else {

   * Appends a path fragment to another.
   * @function appendToPath
   * @param {string} root - Path to add to.
   * @param {string} toAdd - Part to add.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers on Windows \sys\vco
   * var result = System.appendToPath("/sys/", "vco");
   * System.log(result);
  appendToPath : function(root, toAdd) {
    if (
      typeof root === "undefined" ||
      root === null ||
      String(root).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("root argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof toAdd === "undefined" ||
      toAdd === null ||
      String(toAdd).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("toAdd argument can not be undefined or null");
    return String(
      java.nio.file.Paths.get(root.toString(), toAdd.toString())

   * Decodes a base64 encoded string.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function base64ToString
   * @param {string} value - Text to decode from base64.
   * @returns {string}
  base64ToString : function(value) {
    if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
      throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");
    return String(java.lang.String(

   * Clones an object.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @param {object} object - Object to clone.
   * @returns {object}
  clone : function(object) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (typeof object === "object") {
      function func() {}
      func.prototype = object;
      return new func();

   * Compares two version numbers.<br>
   * Hint: Arguments should be string and if a one-digit number is
   * compared with a multi-digit number, leading zeros must be passed.
   * @function compareVersionNumber
   * @param {string} version1 - First version.
   * @param {string} version2 - Second version.
   * @returns {number}
   * Returns 0 if they are equivalent<br>
   * Returns 1 version1 is greater than version2<br>
   * Returns -1 version2 a is greater than version1
   * @example
   * // Delivers -1
   * var result = System.compareVersionNumber("1.0.0", "2.0.0");
   * System.log(result);
  compareVersionNumber : function(version1, version2) {
    if (
      typeof version1 === "undefined" ||
      version1 === null ||
      String(version1).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("version1 argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof version2 === "undefined" ||
      version2 === null ||
      String(version2).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("version2 argument can not be undefined or null");
    return version1.toString().localeCompare(version2.toString(),
      undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" });

   * Creates an empty file in the temporary directory, using the given
   * suffix to generate its name.
   * @function createTempFile
   * @param {string} suffix - The suffix string to be used in generating
   *                          the file's name.
   * @returns {object.<>}
   * @example
   * // Delivers on Windows
   * // C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\vco-[number].tmp
   * var result = System.createTempFile(".tmp");
   * System.log(result);
  createTempFile : function(suffix) {
    if (
      typeof suffix === "undefined" ||
      String(suffix).trim() === ""
    ) {
      suffix = null;
    return"vco-", suffix);

   * Information for currently executed workflow item.
   * @function currentWorkflowItem
   * @returns {object.<WorkflowItemInfo>}
   * @example
   * var result = System.currentWorkflowItem();
  currentWorkflowItem : function() {
    return new WorkflowItemInfo("System Class Mock-up",
      "Mock-up of System Class");

   * Returns URL to generate HTTP custom event.
   * @function customEventUrl
   * @param {string} eventName - Custom event name.
   * @param {boolean} secure, default false - https if true, http otherwise.
   * @returns {object.<URL>}
   * @example
   * var result = System.customEventUrl("click", false);
  customEventUrl : function(eventName, secure) {
    if (
      typeof eventName === "undefined" ||
      eventName === null ||
      String(eventName).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("eventName argument can not be undefined or null");
    var url = new URL(); // Mock-up URL object
    url.port = 8280;
    url.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    return url;

   * Returns URL to generate HTTP custom event.
   * @function customEventUrlforServer
   * @param {string} eventName - Custom event name.
   * @param {string} host - Host to use in URL.
   * @param {string} port - Port to use in URL.
   * @param {boolean} secure - Use https if true, http otherwise.
   * @returns {object.<URL>}
   * @example
   * var result =
   *   System.customEventUrlforServer("click", "localhost", "8080", false);
  customEventUrlforServer : function(eventName, host, port, secure) {
    if (
      typeof eventName === "undefined" ||
      eventName === null ||
      String(eventName).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("eventName argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof host === "undefined" ||
      host === null ||
      String(host).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("host argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof port === "undefined" ||
      port === null ||
      String(port).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("port argument can not be undefined or null");
    var url = new URL(); // Mock-up URL object = host.toString();
    url.port = port.toString();
    url.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    return url;

   * Logs a text in the system with DEBUG.
   * @function debug
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
   * @example
   * System.debug("This is a test");
  debug : function(text) {
    this._println("\u001B[32mDEBUG\u001B[0m", text);

   * Converts decimal number to hexadecimal string.
   * @function decimalToHex
   * @param {number} value - Decimal value.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers 1267
   * var result = System.decimalToHex(4711);
   * System.log(result);
  decimalToHex : function(value) {
    if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null) {
      var newValue = parseFloat(value.toString());
      if (isNaN(newValue)) {
        return "";
      return newValue.toString(16).toUpperCase();
    } else {
      return "";

   * Logs a text in the system with ERROR.
   * @function error
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
   * @example
   * System.error("This is a test");
  error : function(text) {
    this._println("\u001B[31mERROR\u001B[0m", text);

   * Evaluates a JavaScript source string.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not documented in the standard.
   * @function exec
   * @param {string} command
   * @returns {object.<any>}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Hello World as object of type java.lang.String
   * var result =
   *   System.exec("function test() { return \"Hello World\"; } test();");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers "Hello World" as string
   * var result = JSON.stringify(
   *   System.exec("function test() { return \"Hello World\"; } test();")
   * );
   * System.log(result);
  exec : function(command) {
    if (
      typeof command === "undefined" ||
      command === null ||
      String(command).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("command argument can not be undefined or null");
    var result = null;
    try {
      var cx = _context.enter();
      var scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
      result = cx.evaluateString(scope, command.toString(),
        "SystemMockupScript", 1, null);
    } catch (exception) {
      result = exception;
    } finally {
    return result;

   * Extracts the directory part from the file path.
   * @function extractDirectory
   * @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers C:/temp/
   * var result = System.extractDirectory("C:\\temp\\myfile.txt");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers /home/temp/
   * var result = System.extractDirectory("/home/temp/myfile.txt");
   * System.log(result);
  extractDirectory : function(fullPath) {
    if (
      typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
      fullPath === null ||
      String(fullPath).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
    var separatorFullPath = fullPath.toString().replace(/\\/g, "/");
    return separatorFullPath.substring(
      separatorFullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1

   * Extracts the file name part from the file path.
   * @function extractFileName
   * @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers myfile.txt
   * var result = System.extractFileName("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
   * System.log(result);
  extractFileName : function(fullPath) {
    if (
      typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
      fullPath === null ||
      String(fullPath).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
    var separatorFullPath = fullPath.toString().replace(/\\/g, "/");
    return separatorFullPath.substring(
      separatorFullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1

   * Extracts the extension part from the file path.
   * @function extractFileNameExtension
   * @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers txt
   * var result = System.extractFileNameExtension("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
   * System.log(result);
  extractFileNameExtension : function(fullPath) {
    if (
      typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
      fullPath === null ||
      String(fullPath).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
    var fileName = this.extractFileName(fullPath);
    if (fileName.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
      return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
    } else {
      return "";

   * Extracts the file name part without extension from the file path.
   * @function extractFileNameWithoutExtension
   * @param {string} fullPath - Path from which something is to be extracted.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers C:/temp/myfile
   * var result = System.extractFileNameWithoutExtension("C:/temp/myfile.txt");
   * System.log(result);
  extractFileNameWithoutExtension : function(fullPath) {
    if (
      typeof fullPath === "undefined" ||
      fullPath === null ||
      String(fullPath).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("fullPath argument can not be undefined or null");
    var fileName = this.extractFileName(fullPath.toString());
    if (fileName.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
      fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
    return this.extractDirectory(fullPath) + fileName;

   * Filters non authorized objects for the current user.<br>
   * Returns null if the user is not authorized and the input object
   * if the authorization is correct.<br>
   * Hint: The argument authorized is an additional flag, to mock the
   * desired result.
   * @function filterAuthorized
   * @param {object} source - Object to check.
   * @param {boolean} authorized - Flag to mock result.
   * @returns {object}
   * @example
   * var obj = {"id": "Mock-up object"};
   * var result = System.filterAuthorized(obj);
   * System.log(JSON.stringify(result));
   * @example
   * var obj = {"id": "Mock-up object"};
   * var result = System.filterAuthorized(obj, false);
   * if (result === null) {
   *   System.log("null");
   * }
  filterAuthorized : function(source, authorized) {
    if (typeof source === "undefined" || source === null) {
      throw new Error("source argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof authorized === "undefined" ||
      authorized === null ||
      authorized === true
    ) {
      return source;
    } else {
      return null;

   * Formats a number in a readable size format.
   * @function formatBinaryValue
   * @param {number} value - Number to format.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers 2K
   * var result = System.formatBinaryValue(2048);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 4.6005859375K
   * var result = System.formatBinaryValue(4711);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 1M
   * var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1048576);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 1G
   * var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1073741824);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 1T
   * var result = System.formatBinaryValue(1099511627776);
   * System.log(result);
  formatBinaryValue : function(value) {
    if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
      return null;
    var newValue = parseFloat(value.toString());
    if (isNaN(newValue)) {
      return null;
    if (newValue < 1024) {
      return newValue.toString();
    } else if (newValue < 1048576) {
      return (newValue / 1024 * 100) / 100 + "K";
    } else if (newValue < 1073741824) {
      return (newValue / 1048576 * 100) / 100 + "M";
    } else if (newValue < 1099511627776) {
      return (newValue / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 + "G";
    } else {
      return (newValue / 1099511627776 * 100) / 100 + "T";

   * Formats a date in the given format.
   * @function formatDate
   * @param {Date} date - Date to format.
   * @param {string} pattern - Format pattern.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers 2023.04.04 n. Chr. at 05:37:19 MESZ
   * var result = System.formatDate(new Date(), "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 04.07.2023, 05:33:59
   * var result = System.formatDate(new Date());
   * System.log(result);
  formatDate : function(date, pattern) {
    if (
      !(date instanceof Date) ||
      isNaN(date) ||
      typeof date === "undefined" ||
      date === null
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        "date argument must be Date and can not be undefined or null"
    try {
      var format = java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
      if (pattern != null) {
        format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
      return String(format.format(date));
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error("Unable to format date");

   * Formats the milliseconds in a readable format.
   * @function formatDuration
   * @param {number} milliseconds - Millisecond number to format.
   * @param {boolean} showMilli - Show millisecond if true, default false.
   * @param {boolean} showZero - Show leading zero values if true,
   *                             default false.
   * @returns {string}
   * @see getCurrentTime
   * @example
   * // Delivers 19452d 02h 44m 11.986s
   * var result = System.formatDuration(System.getCurrentTime(), true, true)
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers Wed Apr 05 2023 04:44:11 GMT+0200 (MESZ)
   * var result = new Date();
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers 19452d 2h 44m 11s
   * var result = System.formatDuration(System.getCurrentTime(), false, false);
   * System.log(result);
  formatDuration : function(milliseconds, showMilli, showZero) {

    var showMilliseconds = false;
    var showLeadingZeros = false;
    var retValue = "";

    if (
      typeof milliseconds === "undefined" ||
      milliseconds === null ||
      typeof milliseconds !== "number"
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        "milliseconds argument must be number and can not be undefined or null"
    if (typeof showMilli === "boolean") {
      showMilliseconds = showMilli;
    if (typeof showZero === "boolean") {
      showLeadingZeros = showZero;

    if (milliseconds < 0) {
      return "N/A";

    // Milliseconds
    if (showMilliseconds) {
      var milli = String(parseInt(milliseconds % 1000));
      while (milli.length < 3) {
        milli = "0" + milli;
      retValue = "." + milli + "s";
    } else {
      retValue = "s";

    // Seconds
    var time = milliseconds / 1000;
    var seconds = String(parseInt(time % 60));
    if (showZero && seconds < 10) {
      seconds = "0" + seconds;
    retValue = seconds + retValue;

    // Subtract seconds from time
    time -= parseInt(time % 60);
    time /= 60;

    // Minutes
    var minutes = String(parseInt(time % 60));
    if (showZero  && minutes < 10) {
      minutes = "0" + minutes;
    retValue = minutes + "m " + retValue;

    // Subtract minutes from time
    time -= parseInt(time % 60);
    time /= 60;

    // Hours
    var hours = String(parseInt(time % 24));
    if (showZero && hours < 10) {
      hours = "0" + hours;
    retValue = hours + "h " + retValue;

    // Subtract hours from time
    time -= parseInt(time % 24);
    time /= 24;

    // Days
    var days = String(parseInt(time));
    retValue = days + "d " + retValue;

    return retValue;

   * Formats a number in the given format.<br>
   * Creates a DecimalFormat using the given pattern and the symbols
   * for the default locale.
   * @function formatNumber
   * @param {number} aNumber - Number to format.
   * @param {string} pattern - Format pattern.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * var myNumber = -1234.56;
   * // Delivers -01234,560
   * var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "00000.000")
   * System.log(result);
   * // Delivers -1234,6
   * var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "#.#");
   * System.log(result);
   * // Delivers -1.234,6
   * var result = System.formatNumber(myNumber, "#,###.#");
   * System.log(result);
  formatNumber : function(aNumber, pattern) {
    if (typeof aNumber === "undefined" || aNumber === null) {
      throw new Error(
        "aNumber argument must be Number and can not be undefined or null"
    var format = new java.text.DecimalFormat();
    if (typeof pattern !== "undefined" || pattern !== null) {
      try {
        format = new java.text.DecimalFormat(pattern);
      } catch (exception) {
        throw new Error("Unable to create a formatter from pattern");
    try {
      return String(format.format(parseFloat(aNumber)));
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error("Unable to format aNumber with the pattern");

   * Returns all action modules.
   * @function getAllModules
   * @returns {object[]}
   * @example
   * var result = System.getAllModules();
  getAllModules : function() {
    var Module = [
        name: "com.vmware.basic",
        description: "",
        id: "8a7480b5796abea101796ac0e5630169",
        type: "ScriptModuleCategory"
        name: "com.mock-up",
        description: "",
        id: "1a2b3c4d5e6f7a8b9c0d1e2f3a4b5c6d",
        type: "ScriptModuleCategory"
    return Module;

   * Returns the class name.<br>
   * Hint: This method is a standard.
   * @function getClassName
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * var result = System.getClassName();
   * System.log(result);
  getClassName : function() {
    return "System";

   * Gets the context for the current workflow run.<br>
   * Hint: This method delivers not the ExecutionContext like the
   * original, it delivers the object org.mozilla.javascript.Context.
   * @function getContext
   * @returns {object}
   * @example
   * var cx = System.getContext();
  getContext : function() {
    return _context;

   * Gets the current time.<br>
   * Delivers the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight at the
   * beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC.
   * @function getCurrentTime
   * @returns {number}
   * @example
   * // Delivers e.g. 1688273422309
   * var result = System.getCurrentTime();
   * System.log(result);
  getCurrentTime : function() {
    return parseInt(;

   * Creates a new date from the input.<br>
   * Hint: The reference date is not considered.
   * @function getDate
   * @param {string} input - Input date.
   * @param {Date} refDate - Reference date, now if not set.
   * @returns {object}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Tue Jan 01 2019 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (MEZ)
   * var result = System.getDate("2019-01-01");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers Tue Jun 16 1964 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (MESZ)
   * var result = System.getDate("Jun 16, 1964");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers Sat Dec 24 2022 12:12:00 GMT+0100 (MEZ)
   * var result = System.getDate("2022/12/24 12:12:00");
   * System.log(result);
  getDate : function(input, refDate) {
    if (
      typeof input === "undefined" ||
      input === null ||
      String(input).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("input argument can not be undefined or null");
    var referenceDate =;
    if (
      typeof refDate === "object" && 
      refDate !== null && === "[object Date]"
    ) {
      referenceDate = refDate;
    var retDate = new Date(Date.parse(input.toString()));
    return retDate;

   * Parses the given date as string to creates a date.<br>
   * Hint: The date to be parsed must have the same format as the
   * format pattern.
   * @function getDateFromFormat
   * @param {string} date - String to parse.
   * @param {string} pattern - Format pattern, default value yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
   * @returns {object.<java.util.Date>}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Tue Jun 16 15:54:00 CET 1964
   * var result = System.getDateFromFormat("1964-6-16 15:54:00");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 1970
   * var result = System.getDateFromFormat("1970-1-1", "yyyy-MM-dd");
   * System.log(result);
  getDateFromFormat : function(date, pattern) {
    if (
      typeof date === "undefined" ||
      date === null ||
      String(date).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("date argument can not be undefined or null");
    var formatPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
    if (typeof pattern !== "undefined" && pattern !== null) {
      formatPattern = pattern.toString();
    var format;
    try {
      format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(formatPattern);
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error("Unable to create a formatter from pattern");
    try {
      return format.parse(date.toString());
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error("Unable to parse date with pattern");

   * Returns an action module with the given name.
   * @function getModule
   * @param {object} object - The module name.
   * @returns {object}
   * @example
   * var com = {
   *   vmware : {
   *     constants : {
   *       getDefaultCompanyName : function() { return "VMware Inc."; }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * // Delivers VMware Inc.
   * var result =
   *   System.getModule(com.vmware.constants).getDefaultCompanyName();
   * System.log(result);
  getModule : function(object) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");

    // Creates a new JavaScript object by executing the named constructor
    // var context = new org.mozilla.javascript.Context();
    // var cx = context.enter();
    // var scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
    // var result = cx.newObject(scope, "Object", [ object ]);
    // cx.exit();
    // return result;

    if (typeof object === "object") {
      return Object.create(object);

   * Returns the class name of any scripting object.<br>
   * Hint: This method delivers not the exact result like the original.
   * @function getObjectClassName
   * @param {object} object - Object to get the class name.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Return Date
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName(new Date());
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Return String
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName("Test");
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Return Boolean
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName(
   *   new java.lang.Boolean(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)
   * );
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Return Boolean
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName(true);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Return Number
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName(42);
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Return Integer
   * var result = System.getObjectClassName(new java.lang.Integer(42));
   * System.log(result);
  getObjectClassName : function(object) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    try {
    } catch (exception) {
      return object.getClass().getSimpleName();

   * Returns the ID for the given object.<br>
   * Hint: Some objects have no IDs.
   * Hint: The argument getId is an additional flag, to mock a result.
   * @function getObjectId
   * @param {object} object - Object to get the id.
   * @param {boolean} getId - Flag to mock result.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Mock-up ObjectId
   * var result = System.getObjectId({}, true);
   * System.log(result);
  getObjectId : function(object, getId) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    var idValue = "";
    if (
      typeof getId !== "undefined" &&
      getId !== null &&
      getId === true
    ) {
      idValue = "Mock-up ObjectId";
    return idValue;

   * Returns the plugin name of any scripting object.<br>
   * Hint: The argument getPluginName is an additional flag, to mock a result.
   * @function getObjectPluginName
   * @param {object} object - Object to get the plugin name.
   * @param {boolean} getPluginName - Flag to mock result.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Server
   * var result = System.getObjectPluginName({}, true);
   * System.log(result);
  getObjectPluginName : function(object, getPluginName) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    var pluginNameValue = "";
    if (
      typeof getPluginName !== "undefined" &&
      getPluginName !== null &&
      getPluginName === true
    ) {
      pluginNameValue = "Server";
    return pluginNameValue;

   * Returns the type for the given object.<br>
   * Hint: The argument getType is an additional flag, to mock a result.
   * @function getObjectType
   * @param {object} object - Object to get the type.
   * @param {boolean} getType - Flag to mock result.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers Mock-up Type
   * var result = System.getObjectType({}, true);
   * System.log(result);
  getObjectType : function(object, getType) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    var typeValue = "";
    if (
      typeof getType !== "undefined" &&
      getType !== null &&
      getType === true
    ) {
      typeValue = "Mock-up Type";
    return typeValue;

   * Returns name of the operating system.
   * @function getOsName
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers on Windows OS Windows 10
   * var result = System.getOsName();
   * System.log(result);
  getOsName : function() {
    return String(java.lang.System.getProperty(""));

   * Returns the implementation version of the Rhino engine.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function getRhinoVersion
   * @param {boolean} fullText - Flag to get full text.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers e.g. 1.7.14
   * var result = System.getRhinoVersion();
   * System.log(result);
   * @example
   * // Delivers e.g. Rhino 1.7 release 4 2012 06 18
   * var result = System.getRhinoVersion(true);
   * System.log(result);
  getRhinoVersion : function(fullText) {
    var full = false;
    if (
      typeof fullText !== "undefined" &&
      fullText !== null &&
      typeof fullText === "boolean"
    ) {
      full = fullText;
    var currentContext = _context.getCurrentContext();
    var rhinoVersion = currentContext.getImplementationVersion();
    if (full === false) {
      rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.replace("Rhino ", "");
      rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.replace(" release ", ".");
      rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.split(" ")[0];
      var rhinoRelease = String(rhinoVersion).split(".")[2];
      if (Number(rhinoRelease) < 10) {
        rhinoRelease = "0" + rhinoRelease;
        rhinoVersion = rhinoVersion.substring(
          0, rhinoVersion.lastIndexOf(".") + 1
        ) + rhinoRelease;
    return String(rhinoVersion);

   * Returns the default temporary-file directory of Java, which is
   * specified by the system property<br>
   * Hint: This method is not documented in the standard.
   * @function getTempDir
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers on Windows C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\
   * var result = System.getTempDir();
   * System.log(result);
  getTempDir : function() {
    return String(java.lang.System.getProperty(""));

   * Returns the default temporary directory.
   * @function getTempDirectory
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers on Windows C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Local\Temp\
   * var result = System.getTempDirectory();
   * System.log(result);
  getTempDirectory : function() {
    var retValue = java.lang.System.getenv("TEMP");
    if (retValue === null) {
      retValue = java.lang.System.getenv("TMP");
      if (retValue === null) {
        retValue = java.lang.System.getProperty("temp.dir");
        if (retValue === null) {
          retValue = this.getTempDir();
          if (retValue === null) {
            return null;
    return String(retValue.replace("\\", "/"));

   * Converts hexadecimal string to decimal number.
   * @function hexToDecimal
   * @param {string} value - Hexadecimal value.
   * @returns {number}
   * @example
   * // Delivers 65535
   * var result = System.hexToDecimal("FFFF");
   * System.log(result);
  hexToDecimal : function(value) {
    if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null) {
      return parseInt(value.toString(), 16);
    } else {
      return null;

   * Displays a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.
   * @function
   * @param {string} message - Text to display.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Displays the entered name
   * System.log(System.input("Insert your name"));
  input : function(message) {
    if (typeof message !== "undefined" && message !== null) {
      return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(message);
    } else {
      return javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input");

   * Tests whether host is reachable.
   * @function isHostReachable
   * @param {string} hostOrIp - Host or IP address.
   * @param {object} timeout - Timeout in milliseconds.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var reached = System.isHostReachable("");
   * System.log(reached);
   * @example
   * // Delivers true
   * var reached = System.isHostReachable("localhost");
   * System.log(reached);
  isHostReachable : function(hostOrIp, timeout) {
    if (
      typeof hostOrIp === "undefined" ||
      hostOrIp === null ||
      String(hostOrIp).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("hostOrIp argument can not be undefined or null");
    var value = 1000;
    if (typeof timeout !== "undefined" && timeout !== null) {
      value = parseFloat(timeout.toString());
      if (isNaN(value)) {
        value = 1000;
    try {
      return Boolean(
    } catch (exception) {
      return false;

   * Checks if operating system is Linux.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function isLinux
   * @returns {boolean}
  isLinux : function() {
    if (String(
      .toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") !== -1
    ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Checks if operating system is Mac OS.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function isMac
   * @returns {boolean}
  isMac : function() {
    if (String(
      .toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") !== -1
    ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Returns true if object is not found.<br>
   * Hint: The argument shallNotBeFound is an additional flag, to mock
   * a result.
   * @function isNotFound
   * @param {object} object - Object to check.
   * @param {boolean} shallNotBeFound - Flag to mock result.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isNotFound : function(object, shallNotBeFound) {
    if (typeof object === "undefined" || object === null) {
      throw new Error("object argument can not be undefined or null");
    var notFoundValue = false;
    if (
      typeof shallNotBeFound !== "undefined" &&
      shallNotBeFound !== null &&
      shallNotBeFound === true
    ) {
      notFoundValue = true;
    return notFoundValue;

   * Checks if operating system is Windows.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function isWindows
   * @returns {boolean}
  isWindows : function() {
    if (String(
      .toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") !== -1
    ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Logs a text in the system with INFO.
   * @function log
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
   * @example
   * System.log("This is a test");
  log : function(text) {
    this._println("\u001B[36mINFO\u001B[0m", text);

   * Generates an unique ID.
   * @function nextUUID
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * // Delivers 943c8517-f4e3-4a7f-9d7c-5d85684d05b3
   * var result = System.nextUUID();
   * System.log(result);
  nextUUID : function() {
    return String(java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString());

   * @function pojoToString
   * @param {object} any
   * @returns {string}
  pojoToString : function(any) {
    if (typeof any === "undefined" || any === null) {
      throw new Error("any argument can not be undefined or null");

    return "";

   * Returns the IP address of the host name.
   * @function resolveHostName
   * @param {string} hostName - Host name.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * var ipAddress = System.resolveHostName("");
  resolveHostName : function(hostName) {
    if (
      typeof hostName === "undefined" ||
      hostName === null ||
      String(hostName).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("hostName argument can not be undefined or null");
    try {
      return String(
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error(
        "Cannot resolve host for name: " + hostName.toString()

   * Returns the host name of the IP address.<br>
   * Hint: getByName checks the validity of the address format and
   * getHostName delivers, if this InetAddress was created with a host
   * name, the host name.
   * @function resolveIpAddress
   * @param {string} ipAddress - The Ip address to lookup the hostname for.
   * @returns {string}
   * @example
   * var hostName = System.resolveIpAddress("");
  resolveIpAddress : function(ipAddress) {
    if (
      typeof ipAddress === "undefined" ||
      ipAddress === null ||
      String(ipAddress).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("ipAddress argument can not be undefined or null");
    try {
      return String(
    } catch (exception) {
      throw new Error(
        "Cannot resolve host for address: " + ipAddress.toString()

   * Sends a custom event.
   * @function sendCustomEvent
   * @param {string} eventKey - Custom event name.
  sendCustomEvent : function(eventKey) {
    if (
      typeof eventKey === "undefined" ||
      eventKey === null ||
      String(eventKey).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("eventKey argument can not be undefined or null");
    // Nothing happens here.

   * Sets the context.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function setContext
   * @param {object} context
  setContext : function(context) {
    if (typeof context === "undefined" || context === null) {
      throw new Error("context argument can not be undefined or null");
    _context = context;

   * Sets additional log information.
   * @function setLogMarker
   * @param {string} logMarker - Log info that will appear in every log.
  setLogMarker : function(logMarker) {
    if (logMarker) {
      _logMarker = logMarker;

   * Sleeps for a given time.
   * @function sleep
   * @param {object} time - Time to sleep in miliseconds.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * System.sleep(1250);
  sleep : function(time) {
    var value = 500;
    if (typeof time !== "undefined" && time !== null) {
      var val = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(time.toString());
      value = new java.lang.Long(val);
    if (value < 500) {
      value = 500;
    var result = true;
    try {
    } catch (exception) {
      result = false;
    return result;

   * Logs a text in the standard error stream.
   * @function stderr
   * @param {string} text - Test to log.
   * @example
   * System.stderr("This is a test");
  stderr : function(text) {
    var outText = null;
    if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
      outText = "";
    } else {
      var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
      if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
        // trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
        outText = text.toString().trimRight();
      } else {
        outText = text.toString().replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");

   * Logs a text in the standard output stream. Use this for debug only.
   * @function stdout
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
   * @example
   * System.stdout("This is a test");
  stdout : function(text) {
    var outText = null;
    if (typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) {
      outText = "";
    } else {
      var rhinoVersion = this.getRhinoVersion();
      if (this.compareVersionNumber(rhinoVersion, "1.7.5") === 1) {
        // trimRight added to release 1.7.6 of Rhino
        outText = text.toString().trimRight();
      } else {
        outText = text.toString().replace(/[\s]+$/g, "");

   * Encodes string to base64.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function stringToBase64
   * @param {string} value - Text to encode in base64.
   * @returns {string}
  stringToBase64 : function(value) {
    if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
      throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");
    return String(

   * @function stringToPojo
   * @param {string} value
   * @returns {object}
  stringToPojo : function(value) {
    if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
      throw new Error("value argument can not be undefined or null");

    return {};

   * Calls the method getCurrentTime.
   * @function time
   * @returns {number}
  time : function() {
    return this.getCurrentTime();

   * Waits for keypress enter.<br>
   * Hint: This method is not available in the standard.
   * @function waitEnter
  waitEnter : function() {
    this.log("Press Enter to continue");
    try {;
    } catch (exception) {

   * Waits for an external custom event.
   * @function waitCustomEventUntil
   * @param {string} id
   * @param {string} name - Custom event key.
   * @param {object} endDate - Expiration date.
   * @returns {object}
  waitCustomEventUntil : function(id, name, endDate) {
    if (
      typeof id === "undefined" ||
      id === null ||
      String(id).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("id argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof name === "undefined" ||
      name === null ||
      String(name).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("name argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof endDate === "undefined" ||
      endDate === null ||
      !(endDate instanceof Date) ||
    ) {
      throw new Error("endDate argument can not be undefined or null");
    var EventCustom = {};

    return EventCustom;

   * @function waitTriggerEvent
   * @param {string} id
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {object} checkPeriod - Checking delay in milliseconds.
   * @returns {object}
  waitTriggerEvent : function(id, name, checkPeriod) {
    if (
      typeof id === "undefined" ||
      id === null ||
      String(id).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("id argument can not be undefined or null");
    if (
      typeof name === "undefined" ||
      name === null ||
      String(name).trim() === ""
    ) {
      throw new Error("name argument can not be undefined or null");
    var wait = 500;
    if (
      typeof checkPeriod !== "undefined" ||
      checkPeriod !== null
    ) {
      wait = parseFloat(checkPeriod.toString());
      if (wait < 500 || isNaN(wait)) {
        wait = 500;
    var EventTrigger = {};

    return EventTrigger;

   * Pauses the execution and wait for date to continue.
   * @function waitUntil
   * @param {object} waitDate - Date to wait.
   * @param {object} checkPeriod - Checking delay in milliseconds.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @example
   * var newDate = new Date();
   * newDate.setSeconds(newDate.getSeconds() + 5);
   * System.waitUntil(newDate);
  waitUntil : function(waitDate, checkPeriod) {
    if (
      !(waitDate instanceof Date) ||
      isNaN(waitDate) ||
      typeof waitDate === "undefined" ||
      waitDate === null
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        "waitDate argument must be Date and can not be undefined or null"
    var wait = 500;
    if (typeof checkPeriod !== "undefined" && checkPeriod !== null) {
      wait = parseFloat(checkPeriod.toString());
      if (wait < 500 || isNaN(wait)) {
        wait = 500;
    var result = true;
    while (new Date() <= waitDate) {
      try {
      } catch (exception) {
        result = false;
    return result;

   * Logs a text in the system with WARNING.
   * @function warn
   * @param {string} text - Text to log.
   * @example
   * System.warn("This is a test");
  warn : function(text) {
    this._println("\u001B[33mWARNING\u001B[0m", text);


java.lang.System.setProperty("LOCAL_SIMULATION", "true");
var System = new _SystemNS();