VCF Automation Blog

from Stefan Schnell

Write Action as Text in Temporary Directory

You can download this source also from my GitHub account.

 * @function writeActionAsFileInTempDirectory
 * @param {string} in_moduleName - Module name which contains the action
 * @param {string} in_actionName - Action name which contains the text
 * @param {string} in_fileName - Name of the file
 * @param {boolean} in_base64Encoded - If action contains base64 encoded
 *   content true, otherwise false
 * @param {string} in_mimeType - Media type (Multipurpose Internet Mail
 *   Extensions) indicates the format of a file
 * @returns {boolean} Indicates whether the file exists
 * @author Stefan Schnell <>
 * @license MIT
 * @version 0.2.0
 * @example
 * var in_moduleName = "de.stschnell";
 * var in_actionName = "helloWorld";
 * var in_fileName = "helloWorld.jar";
 * var in_base64Encoded = true;
 * var in_mimeType = "application/java-archive";
 * @example
 * // Result is that file exists in /data/vco/usr/lib/vco/app-server/temp
 * var in_moduleName = "com.vmware.basic";
 * var in_actionName = "createDirectory";
 * var in_fileName = "createDirectory.js";
 * Checked with Aria Automation 8.12.0, 8.14.0 and 8.17.0

var _writeActionAsFileInTempDirectory = {

  main : function(moduleName, actionName, fileName, base64Encoded, mimeType) {

    try {

      var actionContent = System.getModule("de.stschnell")
        .getActionAsText(moduleName, actionName);

      var file = new File(System.getTempDirectory() + "/" + fileName);
      if (file.exists) {

      if (base64Encoded === true) {

        var mediaType = "application/octet-stream";

        if (
          typeof mimeType !== "undefined" &&
          mimeType !== null &&
          String(mimeType).trim() !== ""
        ) {
          mediaType = mimeType;

        var byteBuffer = new ByteBuffer(actionContent);

        var mime = new MimeAttachment(); = fileName;
        mime.mimeType = mediaType;
        mime.buffer = byteBuffer;
        mime.write(System.getTempDirectory(), null);

      } else {

      var newFile = new FileReader(System.getTempDirectory() + "/" + fileName);
      return newFile.exists;

    } catch (exception) {



if (
  String(in_moduleName).trim() !== "" &&
  String(in_actionName).trim() !== "" &&
  String(in_fileName).trim() !== ""
) {
  return _writeActionAsFileInTempDirectory.main(
} else {
  throw new Error(
    "in_moduleName or in_actionName or in_fileName argument can not be null"