VMware Cloud Foundation Automation Blogfrom Stefan Schnell |
Last update 02.02.2025 |
JavaScript source code to mock-up the ZipWriter class, to handle string data in the context of compressed zip files.
Code how to detect the version of Python packages.
Code how to create, read, update and delete files in the connected GitLab.
Tip how to validate configurations by executing simulated provisioning requests.
An Example how to call a workflow from Python runtime environment.
Python source to get resource.
List of the commands in the palette of the Orchestrator editor.
JavaScript source code to mock-up the URL class, to put HTTP requests.
Python source to get configuration variable value.
Example how to call any action from Python runtime environment.
Example how to use a REST call in JavaScript runtime environment.
Example how to use a shared library with the Python runtime environment.
Approaches how to detect information about the OS version of the different RTEs.
Review of the time required to create and remove a container of Python RTE compared to the JavaScript RTE.
Example how to realize a JSON schema validator.
Python action to calculate Secure Hash Algorithm SHA256 values for all workflows.
Python action to calculate Secure Hash Algorithm SHA256 values for all actions.
Tip to use C / C++ code with Emscripten and WebAssembly via Chicory with the JavaScript runtime engine.
Description how to analyze how long and how often calls are executed in Python actions.
JavaScript source code of an action to get detail information about an action.
JavaScript source code to detect the FQDN.
Description how to analyze the frequency and duration of calls in Node actions.
Description how to create and use a mock web server inside the runtime environments.
List of direct links to the API Documentation of the different services.
JavaScript source code to detect the optimization level of the Rhino engine.
Presentation how to use Test Driven Development (TDD) in the context of the Orchestrator.
Examples of calling conventions of parameter passing of the REST requests to create and run an action.
Approach to emulate an Ansible module in a development process of a local environment.
Node.js, Python and PowerShell code templates for a local handler emulation of the runtime environments.
Approach to run JShell with Java code.
Approach to manage and automate VMware infrastructure with pyVmomi on Python.
Approach to execute Lua scripts seamlessly.
Approach with advanced possibilities for executing operating system commands.
Example how to implement a locally test environment with vCenter simulator with PowerCLI and pyVmomi.
JavaScript source code to detect the version of the Orchestrator.
Time consumption measurement class for determining code execution times.
Summary of possible programming language extensions.
A JavaScript example how to invoke a workflow from an action, e.g. in the context of unit tests.
Approach to store and to invoke TypeScript code seamlessly.
Approach to store and to invoke C# code seamlessly.
An Example of a parallelized function execution with threads in the JavaScript runtime environment.
JavaScript source code to mock-up the mime attachment class, to use multipurpose internet mail extensions.
JavaScript source code to mock-up the byte buffer class, as wrapper around a byte array to use it for passing references to binary content.
This technical white paper describes ways to store any kind of files and to use them. Furthermore how to use Java archive files, for all the possibilities of Java.
Open white paperJavaScript source code to mock-up the file classes File, FileReader and FileWriter, to operate with and handle the access to text files.
A trick to use Java standard output stream (stdout) and standard error stream (stderr) in the JavaScript runtime environment via redirecting.
Combination of different approaches which build a basis, to execute a program unmodified in different system environments, to get system information.
JavaScript source code to mock-up the command class, to execute commands of the host operating system.
JavaScript source code for an assert library (called Aromatical), to simplify the build of unit tests for actions.
An approach how to detect if a script program is running in the context of VCF Automation.
Tip to detect all properties of the all plugins.
JavaScript source code to mock-up the system class. It is a general set of functions for local emulation.
Tip to build local JavaScript runtime environments for simulation purposes.
Tip to use libraries from other vendors in the JavaScript runtime environment.
JavaScript source code to emulate getModule method from System class with Node.
Hint to a restriction that should be note when using the where-used list.
Tip to use C / C++ code with Emscripten and WebAssembly via Node runtime engine.
Tip to use Java classes with a property, so that a shutter file is not necessary.
JavaScript source code to reduce a deep object to one level.
An example to use external modules, in this case a dotNET assemblies, into the context of JavaScript.
Listing of undocumented WorkflowItem classes.
JavaScript code snippets to export configuration elements of the Orchestrator in JSON format.
An approach to use PowerShell classes, on the same way as third-party libraries.
An action to generate XML information about all workflows.
An action to generate XML information about all actions.
Observation of automatic Java data type conversion in JavaScript runtime environment.
An unusual way to use binary embedded dotNET assemblies in PowerCLI runtime environment.
A tip to get more information about the technical infrastructure of the PowerCLI container.
Fix for accessing Java classes.
Tip to detect the used version of the Rhino engine.
JavaScript source code to get the CSP or the refresh token with the Bearer-Token for the Hands-on Lab (HOL).
PowreShell source code to show how to connect vCenter server system in the Hands-on Lab (HOL) via PowerCLI.
Different JavaScript source codes that returns the objects of the vCenter hierarchy.
Cosmetic tip to switch the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser in dark mode and with it the web UI.
Translated VMware blog post by Swathi Prabhu, with updates and own additions.